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A tubular heating furnace generally consists of three main parts: a radiation chamber, a convection chamber and a chimney. Figure 5-1 is a schematic diagram of a typical cylindrical furnace.Optimization of vacuum heat treatment of spring The oil-gas combined burner (burner) at the bottom of the furnace sprays a flame up to several meters, the temperature is as high as 1000~1500°C, and most of the heat is transferred to the radiation chamber (also called the furnace) furnace tube (also known as the furnace) mainly by radiation heat transfer. The oil flowing in the radiant tube). Auto Parts Vacuum Heat Treatment The flue gas rises to the convection chamber along the radiation chamber, and the temperature drops to 700~900°C. Continue to transfer part of the heat to the oil flowing in the furnace tube of the convection chamber by means of convection heat transfer, and finally the flue gas whose temperature drops to 200~450°C is discharged into the atmosphere from the chimney. Aluminum Vacuum Heat Treating The oil product first enters the convection tube and then the radiation tube, continuously absorbs the heat transmitted by the high-temperature flue gas, and gradually rises to the required temperature.Application of Vacuum Furnace Technology in Automobile Gears