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Industrial furnace masonry is a process of building specific materials into a structure that meets process requirements based on design requirements. All the steps in this process constitute the entire industrial furnace masonry project. Furnace and kiln masonry projects include professional kiln masonry and general kiln masonry.Alumina ceramic densely sintered There are many types of industrial furnaces with wide uses. During the masonry construction process, not only the stability of the masonry structure itself should be considered, but also the purpose, basic performance and overall structure of the furnace including the metal structure should be fully understood. The characteristics and working principle of vacuum heat treatment furnaces From the selection of materials, There are special requirements for quality control in the entire project process and industrial furnace masonry projects. The main knowledge points of this article are: the general provisions for process handover and the main work at each stage of industrial furnace construction.Maintenance of Vacuum Carburizing Furnaces The industrial furnace masonry project should be installed after the furnace foundation, furnace frame structure and related equipment have been installed, and can only be constructed after passing the inspection and signing the process handover certificate.Applied Crack Repair Technology of Vacuum Brazing